506 Quebec St Regina, SK, S4R 1K9
24/7 Service for Commercial (Restaurant) Cooking Equipment Service and Repair. Authorized Parts and Service for Garland, Bunn-o-matic and more. For a full list visit: www.centralmechanical.ca
Regina Entrepreneurs en chauffage & fournaises
506 Quebec St Regina, SK, S4R 1K9
24/7 Service for Commercial (Restaurant) Cooking Equipment Service and Repair. Authorized Parts and Service for Garland, Bunn-o-matic and more. For a full list visit: www.centralmechanical.ca
Regina Restaurants - Équipement - Réparation & entretien
846 Athabasca St E Moose Jaw, SK, S6H 0M7
Moose Jaw Buanderies - Équipement & fournitures
Exclusive Canadian Distributor, parts and service depot of B&C Washer Extractors, Dryers and Ironers designed by B&C Technologies of Florida, USA.
Buanderies - Équipement & fournitures